The world on edge as Moscow and the West face off - February, 2015
The world is on edge as Russia and Western powers face off in eastern Europe and in the Middle East. The political climate throughout the region has not been this volatile, this unpredictable since the Second World War. A continuous arc starting from eastern Europe to the southern tip of the Middle East has been turned into a boiling cauldron in recent years. Exactly a century after the onset of the First World War, humanity faces the possibility of yet another man-made calamity. And similar to factors that led humanity to the unprecedented blood-lettings of the first and second world wars, the Anglo-American-Jewish political order once again figures prominently in the current calculus. The Anglo-American-Jewish Western alliance is in fact the primary source of problems we see throughout the world.
What humanity is facing today is a global offensive by Western powers to preserve their global hegemony.Their ultimate goal is to contain Russia, Iran and China, because the aforementioned three, Russia in particular, pose long-term threats to their power. Their effort to undermine the growing influence of Moscow, Tehran and Beijing is essentially what has brought the world today to the precipice of a new world war. Even Westerners are beginning to understand this -
Ten years ago I began proclaiming throughout Cyberia that Russia was the long awaited messiah, the miraculously resurrected superpower that would save mankind by creating the modern foundations of a multi-polar world. For ten years I have been heralding the rise of Russia as humanity's last front against American imperialism, Globalism, Westernization, Wahhabi Islamic extremism, Zionism and pan-Turkism. Seven years ago I was ecstatic about the sudden reawakening of the Russian Bear as it angrily rampaged throughout Georgia in an attempt to salvage important remnants of its severely compromised ecosystem. But even after Georgia, even after the onset of what looked to be a new Cold War between the East and the West, I could not even begin to imagine where we are today -
Who would have thought that Libya and Syria would fall apart like they have? Who would have thought that Russia would almost single-handedly save Bashar Assad's government? Who would have thought that the West would embark on a major crusade to curb growing Shiite influence in the Middle East. Who would have thought that a new, barbaric extremist group supported by the West and its allies would establish a ruthless theocratic state on Syrian and Iraqi territory? Who would have guessed that Crimea would be part of Russia once more? Who in their wildest imagination would have thought that NATO and Russian forces would be facing off in Ukraine in the twenty-first century?
What we are seeing take place in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Yemen currently - and the war like situation that has developed between Armenia and Azerbaijan - may one day be looked upon as the preliminary stages of a third world war. Tension is steadily building throughout the region. If deescalation does not take place and the prevailing situation persists, the boiling cauldron is bound to explode and when it does Armenia will be in the epicenter of it. We are again at this juncture in world history because we the sheeple continue to be easily manipulated and led astray by those who control global levers of manipulation. We are again at this juncture in world history essentially because of Western powers' desire to maintain supremacy in global affairs. We are at this juncture in world history essentially because Western powers want to maintain a certain standard-of-living at home.
The Western world is therefore doing what it has done best throughout history: Bringing order through chaos.
The order in question is of course a Western global order, also known as the One World Order. This is the political paradigm in which Western powers and their satellites dominate every aspect of global affairs. This is a world order in which the world's wealth is controlled primarily by Anglo-American-Jews; a world where the sheeple is racially mixed and speaks English; a world in which notions about God, family and country are looked down upon; a world where apostolic Christianity and European culture is demonized; a world in which homosexuality, birth control and women's liberation are promoted as a way of artificially curbing population growth; a world where everyone adopts and worships Anglo-American-Jewish values.
What humanity is facing today is a global offensive by Western powers to preserve their global hegemony.Their ultimate goal is to contain Russia, Iran and China, because the aforementioned three, Russia in particular, pose long-term threats to their power. Their effort to undermine the growing influence of Moscow, Tehran and Beijing is essentially what has brought the world today to the precipice of a new world war. Even Westerners are beginning to understand this -
Stratfor: Ukraine Coup Plotted by US Over Russian Stance on Syria:
Stratfor: ‘US fears a resurgent Russia’:
World order principles should be changed to avoid 3rd world war — Italian journalist:
Thankfully, awareness of and resistance to Western imperialism is growing around the world. The Russian Federation, in particular, has become the front-line as well as the spearhead of the current global resistance effort against the West.Viewpoint: Why the shadow of WW1 and 1989 hangs over world events:
Ten years ago I began proclaiming throughout Cyberia that Russia was the long awaited messiah, the miraculously resurrected superpower that would save mankind by creating the modern foundations of a multi-polar world. For ten years I have been heralding the rise of Russia as humanity's last front against American imperialism, Globalism, Westernization, Wahhabi Islamic extremism, Zionism and pan-Turkism. Seven years ago I was ecstatic about the sudden reawakening of the Russian Bear as it angrily rampaged throughout Georgia in an attempt to salvage important remnants of its severely compromised ecosystem. But even after Georgia, even after the onset of what looked to be a new Cold War between the East and the West, I could not even begin to imagine where we are today -
Call to Arms (November, 2011):
Obituary: Libya 1951-2011 (November, 2011):
Target Iran (December, 2011):
Political unrest nearing Russia's southern border (February, 2012):
Cold War II (May, 2012):
Russia Hints at Intervention in Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict (July, 2012):
Proxy war in Syria (May, 2013):
Russia Steps Into World Leadership Role (September, 2013):
In a historic dispute with the West, Russia reclaims Crimea (March, 2014):
Karabakhization of eastern Ukraine (May, 2014):
Driving a Sunni wedge in the Shiite Arc (June, 2014):
Worried for its loss of hegemony the West is bent on bringing down Russia (July, 2014):
Trouble Brewing For the World's Policeman (December, 2014):
What we are seeing take place in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Yemen currently - and the war like situation that has developed between Armenia and Azerbaijan - may one day be looked upon as the preliminary stages of a third world war. Tension is steadily building throughout the region. If deescalation does not take place and the prevailing situation persists, the boiling cauldron is bound to explode and when it does Armenia will be in the epicenter of it. We are again at this juncture in world history because we the sheeple continue to be easily manipulated and led astray by those who control global levers of manipulation. We are again at this juncture in world history essentially because of Western powers' desire to maintain supremacy in global affairs. We are at this juncture in world history essentially because Western powers want to maintain a certain standard-of-living at home.
The Western world is therefore doing what it has done best throughout history: Bringing order through chaos.
The order in question is of course a Western global order, also known as the One World Order. This is the political paradigm in which Western powers and their satellites dominate every aspect of global affairs. This is a world order in which the world's wealth is controlled primarily by Anglo-American-Jews; a world where the sheeple is racially mixed and speaks English; a world in which notions about God, family and country are looked down upon; a world where apostolic Christianity and European culture is demonized; a world in which homosexuality, birth control and women's liberation are promoted as a way of artificially curbing population growth; a world where everyone adopts and worships Anglo-American-Jewish values.
While some in the West (i.e. Neocons) believe this world order can best be achieved through economic warfare, armed intervention and fomenting revolutions in targeted countries, others, like veteran politicians such as Henry Kissinger, believe such a political global order should be achieved via diplomatic means and economic/financial baiting. Regardless of the method, however, their ultimate goal is comprehensive global hegemony. Consequently, the geostrategic desire to maintain Western supremacy over the world is thus the common thread we see within most of the bloodletting around the world today.
One of the great talents of the Anglo-American-Jewish political order is their uncanny ability to meddle in the internal affairs of nations around the world. Using their massive technological, cultural, financial, economic and political influences, they are able to go to virtually any spot on earth today and exploit societal grievances, political mismanagement, old biases and ethnic hatreds.
To better understand what they do, imagine a great power coming to North America one day and exploiting domestic problems that exists inside American society. Imagine what would happen if the central government in the United States was so weak one day that a great foreign power was able to establish itself in Mexico. Imagine what would happen if a foreign power was able to recruit, organize, finance and arm separatist such as Mexicans, Muslims, Hispanics, American Indians and/or African Americans in the US against the country's WASP/Jewish establishment. Imagine what would happen if a power came to North American shores, established thousands of NGOs and propaganda outlets and began systematically making a play on the anger and emotions of the tens-of-millions of poor and disenfranchised in the US.
In such a scenario, the US would fall apart rather spectacularly. But isn't what I just described above exactly what Western powers are doing around the world?
But let's not hold our breaths waiting for any world power to come to North America's shores. Since 1812 we have been living in an Anglo-American-Jewish period in world history. This era is not about to go through any drastic changes, at least not in the near future. The aforementioned trinity therefore currently has the high ground, the initiative, the tools and the global levers to meddle, manipulate and exploit anywhere it wants. Nations resisting the political West will therefore be on the defensive for the foreseeable future.
How did we get to this juncture? The blame ultimately goes to we the sheeple because it is our materialism, our hatreds, our biases, our political illiteracy, our shortsightedness and our ignorance of the world we live in that gives them their powers. But there is hope. While it is not nearly as powerful as the Western political order, the Russian nation today - thanks to its political acumen, natural wealth, warrior culture, deep rooted nationalism and massive nuclear arsenal - is the only political entity on earth today capable of standing in the way of the West's desire for total world domination. This is why I and many others like myself consider Russian President Vladimir Putin to be quite literally God sent. Just like when mother nature takes corrective measures to bring about order and balance in ecology, the Russian president was destined by higher, supernatural powers for his earthly task. Although they may not realize it, the Russian nation is doing God's work on earth. And this work began in earnest in 2008.
Kosovo set today's precedence
Remember Kosovo? Remember how in the spring of 1999 they used a ruthless aerial bombing campaign in Serbia to sever this historically Serbian region from Belgrade and place it essentially under Albano-Turco-Islamic rule? Now that Moscow is resorting to similar measures to correct the wrongs of history, why are Western powers shocked?
I cannot help but laugh now when I see visibly frightened Western officials talk about the dangers of "military interventionism" and the "inviolability of national borders" in reference to Russian actions in eastern Ukraine. These cowardly reptiles need to be reminded of their crimes against Vietnam, Laos, Cuba, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. These hypocritical reptiles need to be reminded about Granada, Diego Garcia, Panama, Guantanamo Bay, Northern Ireland, Malvinas and the illegally annexed Mexican territories of south-western United States. After all, haven't these Turcophile reptiles been tolerating the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus for the past forty years? Haven't these Anglo-American-Jewish reptiles been tolerating the Israeli occupation of the West Banks and Gaza for the past fifty years? Didn't these bloodthirsty reptiles create a Kurdistan out of Iraqi territory? Didn't these despicable reptiles sow the seeds of civil war in Ukraine by funding an armed uprising against the democratically elected government in Kiev a little over a years ago? But if a precise date is to be placed on the start of the global mess we are in today, it would be February, 2008 -
Independence for Kosovo (February, 2008):
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Kosovo not Precedent for Abkhazia, South Ossetia or Karabakh (March, 2008):
Putin Says `War Has Started' (August, 2008):
Russia Recognizes Georgian Regions (August, 2008):
The Western decision to grant independence to Kosovo set the precedence for events that would later take place in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea and Novorossia. The violent, arrogant and flagrant manner in which Kosovo was removed from Serbia and placed under a Western-backed Albano-Turco-Islamic rule was the geostrategic alarm that forced the Russian Bear into action. Prior to Kosovo's independence, international order in Eurasia was, relatively speaking, being upheld. All sides at least pretended to uphold international law. After Kosovo, all pretenses essentially ended. Kosovo made it starkly apparent to Russian policymakers that the Anglo-American-Jewish world order had to be challenged wherever and whenever possible. Merely six months after the proclamation of Kosovo's independence, the Russian Bear stood before a historic opportunity to do just that. In a direct challenge to the Anglo-American-Jewish alliance, Russia took the opportunity presented by the Western-backed Georgian President Saakashvili's aggression against South Ossetia by sending tank armies into Georgia to liberate both South Ossetia and Abkhazia. February, 2008 was the historic moment when the Russian Bear awoke. The summer of 2008 was a historic turning point, a pivotal time that may one day be looked upon as the time in history when Western global hegemony began its decline.
A final brief note on Kosovo: Albanians, like their European counterparts Bulgarians, Rumanians, Bosnians, Hungarians, Cypriots and Greeks have proven once more that being in the Western political/economic orbit is in no way a panacea to socioeconomic problems and may in fact be detrimental to national development -
A final brief note on Kosovo: Albanians, like their European counterparts Bulgarians, Rumanians, Bosnians, Hungarians, Cypriots and Greeks have proven once more that being in the Western political/economic orbit is in no way a panacea to socioeconomic problems and may in fact be detrimental to national development -
Kosovars Who Fought for Land Are Now Eager to Leave:
Nevertheless, the path we are on today was paved during the years when Western powers began taking advantage of a weak, post-Soviet Russia by redrawing the borders of eastern Europe and the Middle East. Western powers thus sowed the seeds of today's turmoil. Let's hope that Mother Russia is able to correct the wrongs of history. More importantly, let's hope for multipolarity in international affairs in the future. Until we there, however, there will be many hurdles along the way because Western powers will not easily give up their global hegemony.
Winter offensive in Novorossia
Unless their destructive political policies around the world begin hurting them at home, they will continue with their destructive political policies around the world. As long as the threat of war is on their enemy's border and not theirs, they will continue their aggression around the world. Unbeknownst to many, several weeks ago American officials set the stage for arms deliveries to Ukraine -
If Washington goes ahead and begins providing lethal weaponry to the junta in Kiev, it will be seen as a declaration of war against Russia. If this happens we will be in uncharted territory. Unless sober mindscome forward to change the current political calculus prevailing in Washington, we will be steadily heading towards a major international configuration. In the meanwhile, however, some of the wrongs of history are currently being systematically corrected by Russian-backed militants.America on “Hot War Footing” as House Paves Way for War with Russia:
Russian-backed fighters of Novorossia were recently on a brilliantly executed winter offensive. The Western-backed junta's military has suffered yet another major defeat. A strategically located airport in Donetsk and a strategic rail hub at Debaltsevo have been liberated as a result, the strategic port city if Mariupol may be next. All indicators suggest that 2015 may prove disastrous for the chocolate king. European powers are incapable of helping Kiev. Western powers are incapable of helping Kiev. The sociopolitical climate in Kiev is slowly reaching dangerous levels. We may even seen another Maidan uprising before this year is over.
Moscow's war effort in Novorossia was slow and sloppy in the beginning. But what a brilliant display of warcraft it has been since. I can't properly express how impressed I am at how well Moscow has been orchestrating its proxy war in eastern Ukraine. The way they have maneuvered between diplomacy and covert war fighting has been masterful to say the least. They have also been very effective, surprisingly effective, in the information war. Their leader, Alexander Zakharchenko, has been nothing less than amazing. The man, who was recently wounded in combat, is one of those natural born leaders that appear almost out of nowhere in times of great travail.
Russians have once again risen to the occasion. Slavs, men and women alike, Russians in particular, are indeed a warrior breed within the human ecology. Whereas other nations need either cutting edge war fighting technology (westerners), fanaticism (Muslims), racist indoctrination (Jews) or the threat of annihilation (Armenians) to get their people to fight, Slavs are naturally, organically ready for war; all they seem to require is a steady supply of cigarets and vodka. As long as Russia keeps producing such men and women, the Russian nation will never be defeated. As long as Moscow can keep "Western values" out of Russian society, Russia will continue giving birth to such warriors. If I had to go to war I can't think of a better people to go to war with. It would be wise for Armenians to form a confederation with these people. Knowing the south Caucasus, we will sooner-or-later need their assistance -
UAF POWs abused by Givi and taken to parade through the city destroyed by UAF artillery: on the New Terminal combat footage 16-18 January "Donbas under fire" documentary: hands over the bodies of UAF KIAs, POWs:
First footage of a mass surrender of Ukrainian troops:
Зачистка Дебальцево:
Фронтовые дневники. Дебальцевский крест:
So, will the West risk such a thing by providing lethal weaponry to Kiev, especially knowing that such aid will most probably not change the course of events on the ground in eastern Ukraine? And as noted above, not providing arms to Kiev runs the risk of making Western powers look backstabbing, impotent and unreliable. This is the dilemma the West faces. Sucks to be Uncle Sam. The unenviable position Washington has gotten itself into in Ukraine was best expressed recently by the warmongering war criminal, John McCain.
Nonetheless, I have no doubt that additional territories will be systematically liberated, especially now that the infamous tie-eating dictator, Saakashvili is advising Porochenko. But, unlike what Moscow did in Crimea, this time around, I do not think it will outright annex any of the liberated territories. In other words, Karabakhization of Novorossia is what's being foreseen by Russian officials. Similar to how the political status quo in Nagorno Karabakh is used by Moscow to keep leverage over both Yerevan and Baku, Moscow will be using it's influence in Novorossia as a leverage over Kiev, NATO and eastern Ukraine. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, the pro-Russian insurgency in Novorossia effectively takes Crimea out of any discussions. Notice that there has been very little talk in the West about Crimea's historicreunification with Mother Russia. As pro-Russian separatists grow in strength in Novorossia, Crimea will become a very distant memory for Kiev as well. It should be pointed out that Russia's successful annexation of the strategically important peninsula alone, so historic in its scope and brilliant in its execution, is ultimately why the Western-instigated crisis in the Ukraine will be a Russian victory - regardless of what happens in Kiev going forward.
With that said, it is obvious that Moscow would like to - one way or the other - turn Ukraine into a dependency and eventually bring Kiev into a pact with Russia. But I strongly feel that regardless of what happens in Kiev, Novorossia, like Nagorno Karabakh, will henceforth be defacto part of Russia. Novorossia's ties with Moscow will be very close even if the region eventually becomes a semi-autonomous, federal province within Ukraine. From a Russian perspective, it would be very foolish if Moscow surrenders Novorossia to Ukraine - even if a pro-Russian government comes into power in Kiev. I do not think Moscow will give up its hard won ties in the region for any reason. I do not think Moscow will repeat the mistake of the Soviets. Nevertheless, in the short to midterm, Novorossia will be de facto part of Russia and the rest of Ukraine will be sort of a no man's land, a buffer zone between Russia and NATO.
If the West's strategic objective was to sever Ukraine away from Moscow and place it in the EU or NATO, it has been a miserable failure. If, however, the West's objective was to sow divisions between Europeans and Russians, then it's been somewhat of a victory. But such a victory will prove to be a short-lived one because Europeans are increasingly realizing that the current crisis in the Ukraine was instigated by Anglo-American-Jews and is thus against European interests. Europeans understand that the political West is seeking more control over Europe through this crisis. As a countermeasure to Western designs, Russian officials have been doing their best to keep relations with European powers cordial and healthy. This soft approach by Moscow will pay dividend in the future as more-and-more Europeans, Germans and French in particular, turn against Western powers. The key for Moscow here therefore is to continue presenting the negative impact that the crisis in Ukraine is having on the rest of Europe as a consequence of Western aggression and duplicity. Moscow's Russia Today news agency is doing an excellent job in this regard. Moscow needs to place more emphasis on the information war currently taking place. Moscow will have the clear advantage in this regard because to has the truth behind it. After all, the artificially created crisis in Ukraine was a Western operation to curb growing Russian influence in Europe. The current mess in the region was therefore not in Russia's or Europe's interest. For historical reference, the following are materials foretelling the crisis in Ukraine many years ago -
Russian politician Zhirinovsky vs Zbigniew Brzezinski (1/2) (English subs):
Обама начнет третью мировую с Крыма?:
Armenia in the epicenter
Our tiny, landlocked and impoverished homeland is surrounded by predatory animals in one of the most hostile ecosystems on earth. The south Caucasus is merely one bad event away from reverting back to being a Turkic/Islamic cesspool. Western machinations in the region has created a climate where such a scenario is very possible today. Needless to say, Russia (and to a lesser extent Iran) is Armenia's only deterrence factor in the south Caucasus. The long-term health and well-being of the Russian nation is thus crucially important for Armenians. The danger that the region faces today is the reason why Moscow has been signalling for the past few years that it will not hesitate to smash through Georgia to link-up with its strategically located 102nd military base in Armenia in the event of a major war in the region. The following is the most recent Russian warning as covered by John Hughes' CIA-sponsored ArmeniaNow propaganda outlet -
New strategy or provocation?: Russian analyst’s article on “straight way” to Armenia via Georgia stirs controversy:
Russia and Region: Moscow floats ideas on ensuring railroad link with Armenia via Georgia:
Armenia to become part of energy chain with Georgia and Iran:
Russia supports India's full membership of SCO:
India to negotiate free trade zone with Russia-led Customs Union:
Iran to launch trade development center in Armenia:
The above news items are very significant. These types of strategic regional projects - as well as regional superhighways - have been discussed by Moscow, Yerevan and Tehran for quite a few years. The only obstacle to their implementation has been Western meddling in the region. Georgia's West-leaning government, in particular, is the missing link. Tbilisi the regional party mainly responsible for keeping the south Caucasus economically desperate and politically volatile. Tbilisi has to be either brought to its senses or to its knees. If that will require Russian troops invading Georgia once more, then so be it. Use Javakhq or Abkhazia or South Ossetia to create a pretense and send in the beautiful tanks. The sooner Georgia is fixed, the sooner will Pax Russicana descend on to the region. The sooner Pax Russicana descends onto the region, the sooner will major economic projects for the region become a reality. And the sooner such projects become a reality, the sooner will Armenia finally breath.
The West's desire to undermine Russian and Iranian economic and infrastructure projects in the region reveals just how toxic the Western world has become in global affairs and just how dangerous Armenia's Western-led Russophobic activists are for the country.
The West's desire to undermine Russian and Iranian economic and infrastructure projects in the region reveals just how toxic the Western world has become in global affairs and just how dangerous Armenia's Western-led Russophobic activists are for the country.
I ask the Armenian reader to once more think of the "Caucasian table" where Turks, Georgians, Azeris, Persians, Wahhabi Islamists, Russians, Western oil interests and Armenians sit around and discuss regional matters. Think of this table without its Russian participant. In other words, think of how Armenia would have fared in the geopolitical climate of the region today had a handful of men, primarily the Karabakh clan, not been wise enough to keep Armenia firmly within the Russian orbit and allow the stationing of Russian troops on Armenian soil. Armenia has not suffered the fate of Cyprus, Serbia, Georgia, Syria or Ukraine only because of Russian boots on the ground in Armenia. Speaking of Syria, we may be nearing the end of the four year old nightmare.
The final chapter in Syria
The following is the link to an interview I saw a couple of months ago on Farid Zakaria's GPS show on CNN. The whole thing looked/felt/sounded like a rehearsed infomercial, not much unlike much of the news reporting we see all across the US these days. The topic discussed, however, was very serious. It is my opinion that they are in the process of finalizing the final chapter on the nation formerly known as Syria. With that in mind, watch Farid's interview with Professor Joshua Landis (who according to Farid is the "top Syria scholar in the US") very carefully and try to read between the lines of what's being said -
Is backing Syria rebels a mistake?
The following are revealing excerpts from the above interview that tells it all -
"The map of 1919 which the British and French drew was wrong. [The new map of a partitioned Syria and Iraq] is the map that reflects the realities of sectarianism and is possibly more stable... [The state that ISIS has created stretching] from the edges of Baghdad all the way to Aleppo today is a Sunni state and it's already emerged. And what America is doing by bombing it is trying to destroy this state that is there and it is going to be a very hard thing to do... Accept reality, accept that state but try to get better rulers for it, not ISIS."
The West was never serious about fully supporting Syria's homegrown/independently raised anti-Assad rebel factions simply because they were deemed unreliable (i.e. they are not controlled by the West or its close allies). The whole agenda in Syria from day one has been about partitioning the nation and forming a new Western-backed Sunni state in its territory as a counterbalance to growing Shiite, Iranian and Russian power in the region. This task was trusted to Al Qaeda and ISIS, not the Syrian rebels. As I have been saying from day one: ISIS is the rabid dog they set loose in Iraq and Syria. Now that ISIS has managed to carve out a Sunni state between Damascus and Baghdad, it's time to slowly put the dog back into its cage and take control over the territory. Although I am not surprised, it is nevertheless very interesting that Professor Landis - who, allow me remind the reader, is "the top Syria scholar in the US" - suggests that Washington wants Turkey to act as the guarantor of the new Sunni state being formed in Syria by having Ankara put in place there a "good government" so that the US can thereafter "pour money into [its] development".
I have pointed all this out in previous blog commentaries, but I thought it would be better if the reader heard it right from the source. And regarding the source: It is noteworthy that the Pakistani native, Farid Zakaria is one of the Council for Foreign Relation's many high paid lapdogs working throughout the Anglo-America-Jewish world's news/propaganda outlets. Individuals like Joshua Landis, Farid Zakaria, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Christiane Amanpour, etc., are not journalists in the traditional sense, they cogs in the imperial war machine. Their task is to spread misinformation and deceit. I would go as far as saying, they are highly dangerous combatants.
Recent events involving Jordan is in my opinion an integral part of the final chapter in Syria. I do not think the Jordanian pilot was burned alive. I personally think the whole thing, like the beheadings of Westerners before it, was faked for psy-ops value. Even the timing of the announcement of the pilot's death, which came while Jordan's king was in Washington, was very suspicious. But whether the pilot died or not is really not the issue here for he may very well have been killed. What's important to understand here is that as with all ISIS acts, the purpose of his burning was to, again, "shock and awe" the public into compliance. There are carefully preparing their field of play. What's more poignant and revealing is the political reaction that came out of Amman and Washington to the alleged immolation. The spontaneous anti-ISIS protests in Amman (mostly by military age men) looked anything but spontaneous. The official Jordanian reaction felt very orchestrated. Jordan's American style war fever and the "tough" rhetoric coming out of Amman seems formulated to in fact appeal to Western sentiments. I mean stupid crap like this -
The king of Jordan sent out this badass photo in response to ISIS:
ISIS is the monster they created and the terrible carnage we are seeing in Syria and Iraq is the by-product of the Western world's imperial aspirations in the Middle East. The political West and their Jewish, Turkish, Saudi Arabian and Qatari friends are in fact responsible for the genocide of Yezdis, Christians and Alewites and a series of other crimes against humanity throughout Syria and Iraq. As they are dissecting the Iranian/Shiite Arc of influence in the region, they are also creating a north-south Sunni axis between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Besides the Western world's obvious geostrategic factors, besides the Zionist factors at play, the region's all-important energy factor also plays prominently into all this. ISIS was therefore meant to "shock and awe" the sheeple into backing an eventual ground invasion of Syria by Western or Western-backed forces. Their geostrategic agenda is to create a swath of Western-Saudi backed Sunni state between Damascus and Baghdad. Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Jordan, along with Turkey, was a strategic staging area for the anti-Assad war effort.
With Erdogan's increasingly belligerent behavior not to mention his self-serving neo-Ottoman fantasies pissing-off policymakers in Washington and Tel Aviv, it now seems as if the Anglo-Arab king of Jordan has been chosen the lead the Sunni war effort in Syria. If it all pans out, I think we will eventually see an invasion of regions in Syria that are currently occupied by ISIS by Western-backed Arab forces. It should also be mentioned that all this may be coordinated with Assad's government. I suspect that a final deal has been reached or is in the process of being reached with Bashar Assad. I think Syria's final partition has been decided by all powers involved in the civil war, including Russia and Iran. I think that in time a new Western-backed Sunni state will be created within the former territories of Syria and Iraq.
Ultimately, the four year old Syrian tragedy will prove to be a stalemate. There will not be any clear winners. Western/Israeli/Saudi/Turkish interests were not able to defeat Shiite-backed Alewites and the Hezbollah; Shiite-Alewite interests were not able to create a continuous link from Lebanon to Iran. With that said, going forward, Turkey and Israel will be the wild cards in the geopolitical formulation process. Ankara still wants a final say in how Syria will look after the war ends. Ankara still wants leverage over Iraqi Kurds. Israel, for its part, still wants to see Hezbollah defeated or disarmed and it still wants to stop Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. Therefore, Turkish and Israeli actions will remain unpredictable. Israeli belligerence and nonconformity is already being felt in Washington.
With Erdogan's increasingly belligerent behavior not to mention his self-serving neo-Ottoman fantasies pissing-off policymakers in Washington and Tel Aviv, it now seems as if the Anglo-Arab king of Jordan has been chosen the lead the Sunni war effort in Syria. If it all pans out, I think we will eventually see an invasion of regions in Syria that are currently occupied by ISIS by Western-backed Arab forces. It should also be mentioned that all this may be coordinated with Assad's government. I suspect that a final deal has been reached or is in the process of being reached with Bashar Assad. I think Syria's final partition has been decided by all powers involved in the civil war, including Russia and Iran. I think that in time a new Western-backed Sunni state will be created within the former territories of Syria and Iraq.
Ultimately, the four year old Syrian tragedy will prove to be a stalemate. There will not be any clear winners. Western/Israeli/Saudi/Turkish interests were not able to defeat Shiite-backed Alewites and the Hezbollah; Shiite-Alewite interests were not able to create a continuous link from Lebanon to Iran. With that said, going forward, Turkey and Israel will be the wild cards in the geopolitical formulation process. Ankara still wants a final say in how Syria will look after the war ends. Ankara still wants leverage over Iraqi Kurds. Israel, for its part, still wants to see Hezbollah defeated or disarmed and it still wants to stop Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. Therefore, Turkish and Israeli actions will remain unpredictable. Israeli belligerence and nonconformity is already being felt in Washington.
New year assault against Armenia
The new year started off with a series of major assaults against the Armenian state: A rapid escalation of violence along Armenia's border with Azerbaijan has brought the nation to a near war-like situation; a Russian soldier inexplicably murdered an entire family of seven in the Armenian city of Gyumri causing serious tensions between Moscow and Yerevan; an extremist group known as Founding Parliament has increased the intensity of its effort to incite a revolution in Armenia and has more recently attempted to embroil Artsakh as well; Armenia's ruling political party had an unexpected but a serious falling out with the nation's second most powerful political party; and Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland and was just recently in Armenia to give out cookies.
Is a Maidan being planned for Armenia this year? I personally think so, and I am not the only one. Former Ronald Reagan official also thinks so. Please see the following interview with Paul Craig Roberts translated into Armenian and Russian -
Too many potentially explosive incidents are taking place almost simultaneously. These things don't happen by chance, especially not in a place like the south Caucasus. This is a multi-pronged assault against the Armenian state. There are dark forces trying to sabotage Armenia's Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) membership by attempting to drive a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow. There are dark forces trying to drive a wedge between Armenia and Artsakh. There are dark forces trying to incite a Ukraine-like uprising in Armenia. There are dark forces trying to divert Armenian attention from the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. They successfully set fires to Syria and Ukraine. Predictably, it's Armenia's turn. Armenians are looked upon as a gullible, restless and easily manipulated sheeple. A Ukraine-style uprising is definitely in the works for Armenia. But, will it succeed?
I personally do not think so. That proverbial train left the station many years ago. Although we Armenians have more than our share of easily manipulated idiots who are more than willing to destroy their homeland in their blind pursuit of Western fairytales, Western-sponsored color revolutions have not been able to find fertile ground in Armenia. The Armenian on the street instinctually understands the paramount importance of Armenia's alliance with Russia. Despite Yerevan's flirtations with the West, the country's powerful "Karabakh clan" remains staunchly pro-Russian. Moreover, Armenia's Russian-backed security services are very capable and perform their tasks very efficiently. Armenia is bound to have sociopolitical unrest and periodic strife, but a major revolution is all but ruled out.
The first such attempt by Levon Petrosian and his gang in 2008 failed miserably. The second such attempt by Raffi Hovanissian in 2013 was also a total failure. They are now placing hope on a new breed of activists - very small in number but very vocal and extremist in demeanor - to push forward their agenda in the country. Founding Parliament (formerly known as Pre-Parliament) extremists seem to have been tasked with spearheading the internal assault against Armenia's statehood. As outrageous as it may sound, Founding Parliament extremists are promising to raise a civilian militia and topplethe ruling "regime" by the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. This irrationality and destructive behavior is essentially the by-product of Western funding. We see Founding Parliament extremists trying to do in Armenia what was and is currently being done in places such as Venezuela, Serbia, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Ukraine. They are exploiting the country's growing pains and Yerevan's incompetence (i.e. appeasement towards Western powers) in an attempt to sow sociopolitical unrest in the country. After a few failed attempts to capture the public's attention, Founding Parliament extremists finally managed to make headlines on January, 31 when they took their traveling circus to Artsakh -
Is a Maidan being planned for Armenia this year? I personally think so, and I am not the only one. Former Ronald Reagan official also thinks so. Please see the following interview with Paul Craig Roberts translated into Armenian and Russian -
Փոլ Քրեյգ Ռոբերթս. Նրանք փորձելու են ոչնչացնել ավանդական բարոյականությունը:
Пол Крейг Робертс. Армении грозит опасность:
I personally do not think so. That proverbial train left the station many years ago. Although we Armenians have more than our share of easily manipulated idiots who are more than willing to destroy their homeland in their blind pursuit of Western fairytales, Western-sponsored color revolutions have not been able to find fertile ground in Armenia. The Armenian on the street instinctually understands the paramount importance of Armenia's alliance with Russia. Despite Yerevan's flirtations with the West, the country's powerful "Karabakh clan" remains staunchly pro-Russian. Moreover, Armenia's Russian-backed security services are very capable and perform their tasks very efficiently. Armenia is bound to have sociopolitical unrest and periodic strife, but a major revolution is all but ruled out.
The first such attempt by Levon Petrosian and his gang in 2008 failed miserably. The second such attempt by Raffi Hovanissian in 2013 was also a total failure. They are now placing hope on a new breed of activists - very small in number but very vocal and extremist in demeanor - to push forward their agenda in the country. Founding Parliament (formerly known as Pre-Parliament) extremists seem to have been tasked with spearheading the internal assault against Armenia's statehood. As outrageous as it may sound, Founding Parliament extremists are promising to raise a civilian militia and topplethe ruling "regime" by the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. This irrationality and destructive behavior is essentially the by-product of Western funding. We see Founding Parliament extremists trying to do in Armenia what was and is currently being done in places such as Venezuela, Serbia, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Ukraine. They are exploiting the country's growing pains and Yerevan's incompetence (i.e. appeasement towards Western powers) in an attempt to sow sociopolitical unrest in the country. After a few failed attempts to capture the public's attention, Founding Parliament extremists finally managed to make headlines on January, 31 when they took their traveling circus to Artsakh -
«Ռեյդային ստուգումներ» Արցախում:
In a nutshell, Founding Parliament gathered a large convoy of motor vehicles and traveled to Artsakh in an attempt to recruit activists in the area for their planned revolution, of course set to take place on the one hundred anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 2015. Their operation did not get far. Once at the border with Artsakh, they got a nasty surprise from the authorities.
These people are truly a strange gaggle of weirdos and Western mercenaries. Although they love to be called Armenian patriots, their extremist political agenda is glaringly and dangerously anti-Armenian in nature. How patriotic is it to topple the Armenian government by the use of arms, especially at a time like this? How intelligent is it to attempt to severe Armenia's ties with Russia, especially at a time like this? How patriotic or intelligent is it to try to do all this on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide?!The only agenda Founding Parliament freaks are pushing forward in Armenia are the ones formulated in Washington and Ankara. These fatalistic freaks may be patriots, but they are not Armenian patriots. These extremist freaks seem hellbent on having Armenians repeat the fatal mistakes of Georgians and Ukrainians for their financial masters in the West.
In fact, their previous name - Pre-Parliament - and political methodology actually reminds me of the Bolshevik movement's early beginnings.
Over one hundred years ago, Western/Jewish funded Marxist activists operating out of Germany, Britain, France and the US began traveling to the Russian Empire to spread their ideological "enlightenment". These activists who would later become known as Bolsheviks would travel from village to village, from town to town to spread what essentially was the time period's Western values (fairytales about equality, land reform, workers rights, atheism, international brotherhood, etc). The geopolitical goal of their agenda, however, was to strike a fatal blow to the already weakened Russian Empire. The poor living conditions of the peasantry throughout the region was the opportunity they exploited. The bait used was promises of justice, land rights and better working and living conditions. A bright future was promised to all - if only the Russian Czar could be toppled. It was these Western funded extremists with utopian slogans that managed to rise to prominence in the chaotic backdrop of the First World War. It was these champions of the downtrodden and the working class that become some of history's most bloodthirsty murderers. It was these advocates of the common man that were ultimately responsible for the deaths of many millions of people. It was these champions of atheism and "international brotherhood" that created conditions that allowed the genocide of Ottoman Armenians to take place. Today, Bolsheviks are back, but this time under the guise of Globalism, Westernization, Liberalism and Democracy. And just like yesterday, today's Bolsheviks are once again funded by Western Jews and they are once more collaborating with Western imperialists. We see their ilk throughout Armenia's ideologically empty and morally bankrupt political opposition. The following link is to an Azeri news article about one of Armenia's typical opposition characters -
Regarding what happened on January 31: Founding Parliament extremists should not have tried to draw Artsakh into their Neo-Bolshevik nonsense, especially at a time like this when the region is in a virtual state of war. Founding Parliament extremists should not have taken their women and children with them, especially after they were told that their activities were not wanted in Artsakh. With that said, however, I also think that Artsakh police may have somewhat overreacted. I know it's the south Caucasus. I understand we are talking about Armenians. But the region's law enforcement bodies could have acted more professional by setting up a roadblock to stop Founding Parliament's traveling circus. They could have then ordered Founding Parliament's traveling circus to return back to Armenia. Founding Parliament clowns that did not obey orders could have been arrested. Founding Parliament clowns that attempted to resist arrest could have then - and only then - been roughed up. In situations like this, when there are no laws being flagrantly broken, I do not condone police violence. This did not have to happen this way. The only winners in this incident were the Turks and Azeris watching from the sidelines. With that said, I primarily blame incompetent politicians in Yerevan - and their "complimentary politics" which has allowed Western activists in Armenia a free hand - for allowing things to get out of control like this. With that said, I willnot place any blame on Artsakh authorities for anything simply because the territory is in a state of war and this is not time for Founding Parliament's nonsense. It was Yerevan's job to stop the motorcade from reaching Artsakh.
These people are truly a strange gaggle of weirdos and Western mercenaries. Although they love to be called Armenian patriots, their extremist political agenda is glaringly and dangerously anti-Armenian in nature. How patriotic is it to topple the Armenian government by the use of arms, especially at a time like this? How intelligent is it to attempt to severe Armenia's ties with Russia, especially at a time like this? How patriotic or intelligent is it to try to do all this on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide?!The only agenda Founding Parliament freaks are pushing forward in Armenia are the ones formulated in Washington and Ankara. These fatalistic freaks may be patriots, but they are not Armenian patriots. These extremist freaks seem hellbent on having Armenians repeat the fatal mistakes of Georgians and Ukrainians for their financial masters in the West.
In fact, their previous name - Pre-Parliament - and political methodology actually reminds me of the Bolshevik movement's early beginnings.
Over one hundred years ago, Western/Jewish funded Marxist activists operating out of Germany, Britain, France and the US began traveling to the Russian Empire to spread their ideological "enlightenment". These activists who would later become known as Bolsheviks would travel from village to village, from town to town to spread what essentially was the time period's Western values (fairytales about equality, land reform, workers rights, atheism, international brotherhood, etc). The geopolitical goal of their agenda, however, was to strike a fatal blow to the already weakened Russian Empire. The poor living conditions of the peasantry throughout the region was the opportunity they exploited. The bait used was promises of justice, land rights and better working and living conditions. A bright future was promised to all - if only the Russian Czar could be toppled. It was these Western funded extremists with utopian slogans that managed to rise to prominence in the chaotic backdrop of the First World War. It was these champions of the downtrodden and the working class that become some of history's most bloodthirsty murderers. It was these advocates of the common man that were ultimately responsible for the deaths of many millions of people. It was these champions of atheism and "international brotherhood" that created conditions that allowed the genocide of Ottoman Armenians to take place. Today, Bolsheviks are back, but this time under the guise of Globalism, Westernization, Liberalism and Democracy. And just like yesterday, today's Bolsheviks are once again funded by Western Jews and they are once more collaborating with Western imperialists. We see their ilk throughout Armenia's ideologically empty and morally bankrupt political opposition. The following link is to an Azeri news article about one of Armenia's typical opposition characters -
They probably do not realize it, but in spirit and demeanor, Founding Parliament is the reincarnation of Bolshevik extremists. They probably do not realize it, but Founding Parliament is pushing forward a Turco-Western agenda in Armenia. They probably do not realize it, but Founding Parliament extremists are the West's cannon-fodder. Eventually, one of the group's activists may even get assassinated by their Western handlers as a provocation against Yerevan. Taking into consideration the assassination attempt on Paruyr Hayrikian a couple of years ago and the recent successful assassination of Boris Nemtsov, trust me, this is not a farfetched theory. People like Hayrikian and Nemtsov are more valuable to their Western masters dead than alive. Nevertheless, Founding Parliament's latest political stunt is particularly alarming because this is the first time any political opposition group has made a direct play on Artsakh. Although Levon Petrosian's gang was responsible for first sowing anti-Karabakhtsi sentiments in Armenian society, Founding Parliament has become the first to physically pull Artsakh in the muck-and-mire of their political agenda.Famous Armenian journalist apologizes for Khojaly:
Regarding what happened on January 31: Founding Parliament extremists should not have tried to draw Artsakh into their Neo-Bolshevik nonsense, especially at a time like this when the region is in a virtual state of war. Founding Parliament extremists should not have taken their women and children with them, especially after they were told that their activities were not wanted in Artsakh. With that said, however, I also think that Artsakh police may have somewhat overreacted. I know it's the south Caucasus. I understand we are talking about Armenians. But the region's law enforcement bodies could have acted more professional by setting up a roadblock to stop Founding Parliament's traveling circus. They could have then ordered Founding Parliament's traveling circus to return back to Armenia. Founding Parliament clowns that did not obey orders could have been arrested. Founding Parliament clowns that attempted to resist arrest could have then - and only then - been roughed up. In situations like this, when there are no laws being flagrantly broken, I do not condone police violence. This did not have to happen this way. The only winners in this incident were the Turks and Azeris watching from the sidelines. With that said, I primarily blame incompetent politicians in Yerevan - and their "complimentary politics" which has allowed Western activists in Armenia a free hand - for allowing things to get out of control like this. With that said, I willnot place any blame on Artsakh authorities for anything simply because the territory is in a state of war and this is not time for Founding Parliament's nonsense. It was Yerevan's job to stop the motorcade from reaching Artsakh.
One last thing: Jirayr Sefilian's time in Armenia has long expired. What gives the people the stupid idea that just because someone is good on the battlefield will be good as a politician? If Sefilian truly wanted to contribute to Armenia's security and development, he should have remained within the ranks of the military instead of surrounding himself with dubious characters such as Igor Muradyan and Gegham Julfajyan. Jirayr Sefilian is no longer serving Armenian interests. In fact, he hasn't done so in twenty years. As a Middle Eastern Armenian of Cilician decent, I call on Armenian officials to hang a shiny medal around Sefilian's neck, thank him for his service to the motherland twenty years ago, then politely place him, his wife and his child on the very next flight to Beirut and say bye-bye.
The arm wrestler that wanted to be king
What Armenia's needs is a sociopolitical evolution, not a Western-sponsored revolution.With the region reaching a boiling point, this is the time to rally around the Armenian state.This is not the time and the south Caucasus is not the place for Western inspired sociopolitical experiments in Armenia. This is not the time for bicker over petty domestic matters. This is not the time for power plays on the Armenian throne. But if that's what Western interests want, Armenia's self-destructive peasantry will make sure that is what they will get. Enter the arm wrestler that wanted to be king.
In a quintessential Armenian version of the Game of Thrones, Gagik Tsarukyan (aka Dodi Gago), the arm wrestler/sex offender turned billionaire businessman recently made a serious attempt on the Armenian presidential seat. Prior to this, Tsarukyan's political party, Prosperous Armenia (Arm: Բարգավաճ Հայաստան կուսակցություն) had what could only be described as an interesting relationship with the country's ruling party, the Republicans (Arm: Հայաստանի Հանրապետական Կուսակցություն). At times Tsarukyan's political party looked as if it's playing the role of a controlled opposition (i.e. collaborating with the ruling administration), at other times it looked as if it was making a serious play on power. I do not know how sincere Tsarukyan's most recent attempt was but this was not the first time he made an attempt on the Armenian throne.
Back in 2007, Tsarukyan was also a contender in the presidential race in Armenia. As with all political competitions, he soon began badmouthing his main presidential rival, Serj Sargsyan. However, Tsarukyan didn't stop merely there, he went a step further in his rhetoric. He began talking negatively about Armenia's relationship with Russia. On April 12, 2007 it was reported that two small bombs exploded in two of Tsarukyan's political offices. Not much else was said about the extraordinary incident by the news press in Armenia. The following inconspicuous commentary about the incidents in question was written by the British agent/rights activist, Onnik Krikorian -
Prosperous Armenia Party Offices Damaged by Yerevan Blasts:
Merely days after the incident, it was said that Tsarukyan had taken a previously unplanned trip to Moscow. Nothing was said about why he went or with whom he met while he was there. However, after Tsarukyan returned to Armenia from his short stay in Moscow, he seemed to be a new man. He quietly dropped out of the presidential race and began complimenting Armenia's relationship with Russia. In an interview with a Russian news agency on April 18, 2007, Tsarukyan commented that - "we will develop 90 percent of our relations with Russia and 10 percent with Europe and others" -
Gagik Tsarukyan’s interview to Russian O2TV:
In 2011, Tsarukyan's political party was back in the presidential race. With American agent Vartan Oskanyan at his side back then, Tsarukyan seemed to have secured Western support. But, being the shrewd businessman that he is, he was not about to risk the destruction of any more of his political offices. He therefore was smart enough to seek President Putin's blessing as well. His efforts ultimately proved futile.
Fast forward to today: For reasons that can as of now only be explained by speculation, Tsarukyan just made his third and by-far the most blatant attempt on the presidential seat in Armenia. Was Tsarukyan recruited into the Western agenda to topple the Armenian government? Time will tell. But Tsarukyan's second largest political party in Armenia brought the country to the brink of a major political crisis. A disaster, however, was averted at the last minute. Similar to what had happened in the past, Tsarukyan seems to have been summoned to Moscow and set straight. After bringing the country to the brink of yet another political disaster, Tsarukyan proved smart enough or was frightened enough to once more take a step back -
Armenian Opposition Force Backs Down:
This latest Tsarukyan retreat seems to have been the last straw for Vartan Oskanian. I guess it's time for Uncle Sam's parasites in Armenia to look for another accommodating host. Incidentally, after Raffi Hovanissian's failed attempt on the Armenian throne, he also traveled to Moscow to have "several good meetings" with Russian officials. Levon Petrosian is also said to have done the same during his failed attempts on the Armenian throne. Nevertheless, the recent spat between Tsarukyan's political party and the Republican party is a symbol of how low modern Armenian civilization has fallen. These characters, these tactless chobans-in-Armani-suites and Western mercenaries are unfortunately an accurate reflection of the nature of the modern Armenian. With that said, however, it should also be said that the current leadership headed by President Sargsyan is by-far the lesser of all evils currently waiting on the political sidelines in Yerevan to take advantage of any sociopolitical unrest. It is the realization that those waiting on the political sidelines of Yerevan are those who serve Western/Turkish agenda in Armenia is the reason why I remain a reluctant supporter of the "regime".
How I wish or Armenians to put aside their arrogance, jealousy, selfishness and political illiteracy and begin understanding and appreciating what it means to have a state. Our people's shortsightedness, self-righteousness and political ignorance is becoming a serious problem for our homeland. The aforementioned problem that we suffer from is a pan-national one. In other words, the Armenian Diaspora, particularly the Western Diaspora, is not immune to shortsightedness and political illiteracy.
Dubious voices warning about Russian betrayals
Russian-Armenian relations has historically been based on very firm geostrategic foundations. This is why those who try to cast a dark shadow on Yerevan's alliance with Moscow only manage to make themselves look stupid. But try, they do. With political tensions in Armenia rising to new heights, there are dubious voices once more warning Armenians about Russian "betrayals" -
Sleeping with Our Enemy: Russia Sells Weapons to Azerbaijan:
Those who seek to drive a wedge between Russia and Armenia have developed what can be described as three silly slogans: "Czarist Russia wanted Armenia without Armenians", "Russians gave Armenian lands to Turks" and "Russia betrays Armenia by selling weapons to Azerbaijan". It does not matter whether those who disseminate such dark fairytales do so consciously or subconsciously. What matters is that what they do is psy-ops who's purpose is to make a play on the sentiments and emotions of the easily manipulated sheeple. In other words, the intent is to subtly and systematically sow anti-Russian sentiments within Armenian society.
The first slogan about Czarist Russia (essentially a Dashnaktsakan fairytale from a time period when Armenian revolutionaries were foolishly rebelling against a government that was actually supporting their struggle in the Ottoman Empire) is too ridiculous to respond to other than by simply stating: It's precisely because of Czarist Russia that an Armenia came into existence, it's precisely because of a Czarist Russia that Armenian nationalism came into existence. None of our deaf, dumb and blind Russophobes are capable of naming one actual thing that Russians, as a nation, have deliberately done against Armenians.Historically, not a single square millimeter of Armenian territory has ever been gifted to Turks by Russians. The party guilty of relinquishing Armenian territories to Turks and Azeris was theWestern/Jewish led and financed Bolshevik government that had come to power in 1917 by destroying the Russian Empire from within. Bolsheviks represented Russia at the time as much as ISIS represents Syria today. Bolshevism was in fact much more destructive to Russia than to Armenia. Bolshevism through the 1920s was almost exclusively a none-Russian political system. Therefore, blaming Russians for the evils of Bolshevism is like blaming the murder victim for the actions of the murderer. Those to hang Bolshevik crimes on Russian necks are either imbeciles or agents of the Anglo-American-Jewish political order.
Armenia lives today as a nation-state in the south Caucasus largely thanks to the geopolitical factor created by Russia's presence in the region during the past two hundred years. Had Russia not come down to the south Caucasus in the early 19th century - and stayed - all of us, including our Russophobes and proud nationalists, would still be herding goats or making donkey saddles somewhere in eastern Turkey or northern Iran.
Regarding Russian arms to Baku: There is something Armenians generally speaking have a very-very hard time understanding and it's called realpolitik. It does not matter how wealthy or how educated an Armenian is, when it comes to political matters, Armenians act like troubled children. I personally think this is a serious matter that has its roots in genetics (i.e. breeding). An Armenian can be brilliant in science, medicine, literature, art, business, sports, etc. But when it comes to politics, the Armenian is a self-destructive peasant regardless of his or her social status. That's why it's common in Armenian circles now to hear nonsense like - "If they are our friends who do they sell weapons to our enemies?!" Shouldn't children be asking stupid questions like this? Political ignorance and the lack of rational/objective thought in politics is so pervasive in Armenian society that there is actually a word for describing politically ignorant Armenians engaging in political analysis: It's calledկոշկակարների քաղաքականութիւն. Roughly translated into English it means the political reasoning of tradesmen. In other words: Idiots trying to make sense of stuff that is well above their heads. And its not only Armenians. Sensing opportunity, like the smut-peddlers that they are, Western financed propaganda agencies are also enthusiastically exploiting the matter of Russian arms sales to Azerbaijan by making a play on Armenian sentiments -
So, once more, allow me to explain Russian weapons sales to Azerbaijan:Armenia: With Friends Like Russia, Who Needs Enemie:
While we all know that Russia and Armenia are locked in a genuine strategic alliance, we must also realize that Russia is doing its best to also lure Baku into its political orbit. This is somewhat similar to how Washington tries to keep its influence over Turks and Greeks and Israelis and Arabs by selling the conflicted parties US made weaponry. With that said, Russian officials realize that they do not allow the sale of Russian weaponry to Baku there are nations like US, Britain, Ukraine, Belarus, China, Pakistan, Turkey and Israel that would. So, from a Russian perspective, why not make money at the same time create leverage over Baku? At the end of the day, does it really matter where the weaponry Azerbaijan uses are made? Does it really matter where the bullet that killed a young Armenian soldier was made? No, it does not. The bullet or bomb are not the problem. The problem is how such weapons are used by governments. Azeris have the luxury - the petrodollars - to purchase whatever they want from whomever they want. We Armenians on the other hand don't have the money for modern arms, we are therefore being given by Russia whatever arms we need to counter Azeri aggression. Can our Russophobic idiots at least say thank you? We also know that Armenia has a tiny military (so tiny that yearly recruitment quotas aren't even being met). By covering the entire length of Armenia's vulnerable border with Turkey, Russia is giving Armenia the ability to concentrate its meager resources on its more manageable border with Azerbaijan.Can our Russophobic idiots at least say thank you?
The reality that is somehow escaping most Armenians today is this: Even in ideal circumstances, Armenia would NOT be able to defend its borders against Turks and Azeris without massive assistance from Russia. Moreover, there is another political angle to Russian arms to Baku: By supplying arms to Baku andYerevan, Moscow is making sure to keep Azerbaijan and Armenia dependent on Russia. This is expected. This is logical. As we have seen recently, Russia's diplomatic abilities and statecraft are second-to-none. Of course they will exploit the situation. Russians also know that starving Armenians are easily bought. Russians know well that Armenia's political scene is saturated by Western mercenaries. Russians also know that Armenia is allied to Russia today primarily because of the "Karabakh clan" in Yerevan. Russians are also upset that Yerevan is stubbornly continuing its counterproductive flirtations with EU, NATO and Washington. So, ask yourselves: Why should Russia trust Armenians? Well, is there trust in politics to begin with? Therefore, Russian arms to Baku is also a way for Moscow to put pressure on a Yerevan that has been oscillating between East and West for the past twenty-five years.
It should also be pointed out that Moscow is very serious about maintaining direct control over the situating in Artsakh because of the great geostrategic value Artsakh (similar to Abkhazia and South Ossetia)brings to the political table. As we saw back in 1999, the current status quo in Artsakh is something Moscow will maintain at all costs - even if that means spilling blood. And I am glad it has, because I have little doubt that had it been up to us Armenians, official Yerevan would most probably have adopted the infamous Goble Plan sometime back around 1999 and Armenia today would have been either laid waste by Russians or have become subordinate to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Western oil interests.
At the end of the day, there is no trust or unconditional friendships in politics. At the end of the day, arms supply to Baku or not, Armenia lives as a result of the Russian factor in the south Caucasus. No Russia in Armenia = no Armenia in the south Caucasus. So, instead of wasting time spreading Russophobia in Armenian cyberspace, concerned Armenians in positions of influence would do better to lobby Armenian interests with Russian officials.
For the record, US and British governments train Azeri snipers (yes, those that kill dozens of Armenian soldiers annually) and Israel and Turkey provide Baku with a lot of military training, technical assistance and billions of dollars in sophisticated weaponry. Here are some facts to consider:
American military contractors MPRI Inc is training Azeri marksmen:
There is yet another twist to this matter. This is not 1991. If there is a war with Azerbaijan, the Armenian military will face on the battlefield a well prepared and bigger enemy force with large amounts of modern weaponry. If Armenia is to face modern weaponry on the battlefield, I rather it be weapons systems that the Armenian military is keenly familiar with and thus capable of defeating in combat. Here we see a Russian expert voicing similar sentiments for an Armenian audience -US Naval Special Ops Demos Training in Azerbaijan: Sunday Times: British special forces carried out secret trainings in Azerbaijan: Makes Massive Israeli Weapons: a US-Financed Azeri Satellite A Threat to Armenia’s Security?: Jets to Deliver American Nuclear Warheads:
Russians are helping a tiny, remote, landlocked, blockaded and impoverished nation protect itself from predators like Turkey and Azerbaijan. Despite what our people's massive ego and deep-seated political illiteracy makes them want to believe, we Armenians CANNOT sustain a state in the south Caucasus without Russian support.Russian expert: Armenia should be interested in Russian-Azeri arms deals:
So, once more: By securing Armenia's border with Turkey, Russia is allowing Armenia to concentrate its meager resources on a more manageable enemy, Azerbaijan. Baku has the petrodollars to purchase whatever it wants, from whoever it wants. To create military parity between Armenians and Azeris, Russia is providing Armenia modern weaponry essentially for free. Moreover, Russia's 102nd military base is the single most important military factor in the south Caucasus for it is a deterrence against Turks and NATO. The 102nd base was created with a duel role: Project Russian power in the region and protect Armenia from invasion. When was the last time our "patriotic" Armenians said "thank you Mother Russia for helping us keep up with Azeri arms purchases"?
Anyone that tries to blame Russians for the crimes of Bolsheviks is an intellectual midget. Anyone that tries to spread Russophobia in Armenian society is a traitor to Armenia. I don't care if they do it knowingly or unknowingly, what they are doing is extremely dangerous to Armenia. One must be deaf, dumb and/or blind not to see this. We saw where this kind of Russophobic nonsense got Georgia and Ukraine. How stupid. how treasonous must one be to do the same? I think American-Armenians like David Boyajian should mind their own business and leave politics to Armenian officials in Yerevan and Stepanakert. At the end of the day, if one day Russians decided to betray Armenia, none of our big talking patriots are capable of stopping them. So, instead of talking nonsense I suggest our nationalist nutjobs pray that it does not happen. Actually, along with praying I also suggest working on bettering Russian-Armenian relations so that it does not happen.
I am willing to admit that Russian arms sales to Azerbaijan (specifically, the delivery of weapons systems such as theSmerch) is one of the flaws found in Russo-Armenian relations today. In my opinion, flaws that exist in the relationship is a direct consequence of Yerevan's flirtations with the West as well as the absence of Armenian lobbying activities in Moscow. With that said, I say it's a flaw merely because of the way it's perceived (i.e. the negative psychological effect it has on Armenian society). Nevertheless, it is not a grave threat to Armenia because Russian arms sales to Baku is not directed against Armenia. In fact, upon close examination ofrecent purchases Baku has made one sees that the bulk of it's Russian purchases are for Azerbaijan's air and naval defenses, one also finds quite a bit of Western and Israeli weaponry in Azerbaijan's arsenal. More importantly, for every weapons system Russia sells to Baku it gives Armenia a weapons system that can counter it on the battlefield. As such, Moscow is maintaining the balance of power between Yerevan and Baku, as it makes sure to keep control over both Yerevan and Baku. At the end of the day, the big bad Russian Bear is Armenia’s one and only ally, and thank God for that because without Russia, all of the south Caucasus has the potential to be overrun by Turks and Muslims.
The two centuries old friendship between Russians and Armenians have passed the test of time. Yes, there are flaws, as there are flaws in any relationship. But instead of fear-mongering about Russia (which is becoming a pass time in Armenian society), Armenians should embark on a pan-national effort to fix the existing flaws between Moscow and Yerevan.
Anyone that tries to blame Russians for the crimes of Bolsheviks is an intellectual midget. Anyone that tries to spread Russophobia in Armenian society is a traitor to Armenia. I don't care if they do it knowingly or unknowingly, what they are doing is extremely dangerous to Armenia. One must be deaf, dumb and/or blind not to see this because we saw where this kind of Russophobic nonsense got Georgia and Ukraine. How stupid, how treasonous must one be to do the same? I think American-Armenians like David Boyajianshould mind their own business and leave politics to Armenian officials in Yerevan and Stepanakert. At the end of the day, if one day Russians decided to betray Armenia, none of our big talking patriots are capable of stopping them. So, instead of talking nonsense I suggest our nationalist nutjobs pray that it does not happen. Actually, along with praying I also suggest working on bettering Russian-Armenian relations so that it does not happen.
My message to our "nationalists" and Russophobes
The problem with your intellectually bankrupt kind (and I know your kind very well) is that you simply don't know how to be critical in a constructive sense. You are Armenian after all. So, I understand, but that does not mean I will tolerate your nonsense. You foolishly think that simply by "uniting" Armenia and defeat its enemies. You foolishly think that by not being dependent on Russia, Armenia will gain independence. You discuss various political matters without ever putting the subject matter into a proper historical and geopolitical context. More often than not your facts are half-truths. Sometimes your facts are lies that were passed down to you by your grandparents. Your perception, your understanding of the world and yourself is twisted. Your reality is warped beyond recognition. Your kind was until very recently very pro-Western. It had to take the bloody tragedies in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Ukraine to wake you up from your American dream. Despite what you now know about the political West, your kind continues to spread within Armenian society a dangerous toxin know as Russophobia. Therefore, forgive me if I don't trust any of you when it comes to Armenia. In fact, I don't care if you see yourselves as an Armenian patriot. For me you are worst than a Turk because you are a dangerous cancer within the Armenian body that is easily manipulated by Armenia's enemies.
If God forbid the Russopbobia that comes to you so naturally ever goes mainstream in Armenia, our country will disappear from the map once more. Before you talk your nonsense, just take a moment to look at the bigger picture. Perhaps you'll begin realizing that if Russians somehow turned against Armenia someday, not even a million of our "fedayees" would be able to save the country from its inevitable fate. So, I suggest you pray it doesn't happen. Actually, along with praying, I also suggest you work towards making sure it doesn't happen. In other words, put a rest to your Cold War ghosts, curb your ego, put aside you petty nonsense and try to lobby Armenian causes amongst Russians. And if there is something that you don't like about Russian-Armenian relations, voice it in a constructive manner. In other words, do not sow panic in Armenian society with nonsense about Russians betraying Armenians, or Russia wanting Armenia without Armenians, or Russia giving away Armenian lands to Turks...
At the end of the day, Armenia lives today because of Russia. Armenia's independence from Russia will only result in Armenian dependence on Turkey. In other words, no Russia in Armenia means no Armenia in the south Caucasus. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize any of this, but you do have to have a clear mind. Sadly, most Armenians today are too engulfed in their petty world and too distracted by their massive arrogance to see things clearly. The more I observe Armenians the more I become convinced that Armenians are simply incapable of seeing what's truly in the long-term interests of Armenia.
Our nationalist nutjobs today remind me of the cat that looked in the mirror and saw a lion. God forbid this delusional Cat (i.e. the Armenia that exists in the minds of our nationalists) ever goes out to play in the real world where hungry Wolves roam. God forbid this Cat goes out into an ecosystem where the Bear has not driven away the Wolves. Our nationalist nutjobs seriously need to stop their foolish "fedayee" nonsense before it kills our country. That "fedayee" stuff works only against backward peasants (like the Azeris in the early 1990s). That "fedayee" stuff works only when there is a major power in the background supporting it. The geopolitical circumstances of the region within which Armenia unfortunately finds itself in dictates that we Armenians will be subordinate to Russia for the foreseeable future. There are no real alternatives to this.
With Armenia fully within the Russian orbit, we can all expect Western powers to make a direct play on Armenian nationalism once more. The West successfully used Armenian nationalism in Diasporan circles to sow disunity amongst Armenians during Soviet period. The West's agenda to support Armenian nationalists, however, dissipated when the Soviet Union collapsed and nationalism became a problem for the West. The West therefore concentrated on supporting liberal, globalist ideals in the post-Soviet years. Now, however, that the Russian Bear is back and Western powers have in response turned various regions into a volatile powder keg, we can all expect them to once more begin exploiting Armenian nationalism to once again sow discord between Diasporan Armenians and their Armenian homeland. Sadly, Western powers will find a fertile ground to sow their seeds amongst nationalists because nationalism, especially Armenian nationalism, has a tendency to be extremely shortsighted, emotional, irrational and uncompromising.
Armenians desperately need politically awareness and a type of nationalism that rational, farsighted, pragmatic and pro-Russian. Similar to Armenian-Persian relations in the ancient world, Armenians need to begin seeing Armenia and Russia as two segments of one civilization. Accordingly, Armenians need to apply their positive traits (ingenuity, creativity, resilience, perseverance, hard work, etc) towards fully extracting the potentials of Russia's alliance with Armenia. At the very least, we need to be happy that a neighboring superpower looks at our Armenia as a great geostrategic asset and not a nuisance. After all, Russia is the only nation on earth that will be adversely impacted if Armenia disappears. This has a great geostrategic significance to Armenia. So, instead of complaining like old women (which is what our nationalist nutjobs and Russophobes do), we need to figure out a way to better lobby Armenian matters within the walls of the Kremlin.
Why is it that Armenians admire Jews for their political agility but when the opportunity comes for Armenians to act like Jews, Armenians instead act like Arabs? This Arabesque behavior of Armenians may be why Washingtonian reptiles are keeping hope alive in Yerevan.
Bad omen for Armenia
After seeing what we have been seeing in places such as Venezuela, Serbia, Greece, Ukraine, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Iraq in recent years, I still find it rather amazing that there are significant numbers of Armenians today that have somehow convinced themselves that Armenia needs a revolution and that Armenia can do without Russian protection because the "civilized world" (i.e. the political West) will provide for and protect Armenia in times of need. Haven't these idiots learned anything from our history? Haven't these idiots learned anything from recent world events? Haven't these idiots seen the "civilized world" destroy nations and kill millions around the world? Haven't these idiots realized that for centuries Western powers have been in bed with Turks? I suggest we don't repeat the mistakes of our forefathers. We have already lost so much because of our political illiteracy. I think one genocide is enough. There is a time and place for everything. Armenia is surrounded by predators in the south Caucasus. The Caucasus region is one bad event away from exploding. This is therefore not the time and the south Caucasus is not the place for a revolution or for Russophobia. This is the time to strengthen Armenia's ties with the Russian Federation. This is the time to begin strengthening Armenia economically by looking north, south and east. This is the time to rally around the Armenian state regardless of who is currently at the helm in Yerevan.
Nevertheless, the troubling realization that there are voices in Armenian society demanding a "regime change" (on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of all times) and the expulsion of the Russian military from Armenia (at a time when that region of the world is on the verge of a major calamity) reveals just how suicidal, how treasonous, how self-destructive and how politically illiterate many Armenians can be. And just when things couldn't get worst...
Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland (the wife of neocon zealot Robert Kagan) was in Armenia recently to essentially give out cookies to gullible Armenians, similar to what she did in Kiev a little over a year ago just before that country fell into utter ruin. The cookie in Armenia's case, however, was her visit to the memorial complex of a genocide that she and her government refuses to officially recognize. There were other cookies as well. Similar to what Clinton did during her visits to Armenia on 2010 and 2012, it was also quite expected that Nuland would also meet with some of Uncle Sam's servants in the country.Nuland's imperial delegation also seems to have conveyed the message to Yerevan that the empire is pleased with it. According to various reports put out recently, Washington seems particularly pleased with the progress of "democracy", "freedom of press", "civil society" and "economic reform" in Armenia -
US Hails Progress in Armenian Democracy: ranked 78th in 2015 World Press Freedom Index: Must Seek Further Press Freedom:
All in all, this is a very bad omen for an Armenia that is already reeling from a series of internal and external assaults against it this year. That Washington is pleased with Armenia is something that should actually frighten the kaka out of Armenians. In an age where Western powers have weaponized everything imaginable, Armenians need to worry about the progress of "democracy" (i.e. providing the ignorant and easily manipulated masses a say in government); Armenians need to worry about the strengthening of "civil society" (i.e. tolerating dangerous subversive organizations funded by Western entities); Armenians need to worry about "reforming the economy" (i.e. keeping the financial system of Armenia subordinate to the US Dollar); and Armenians need to worry about "press freedoms" (i.e. allowing Western funded propaganda outlets posing as news agencies and Western funded "independent" journalists the freedom to sow Russophobia and foment sociopolitical unrest in Armenia).
It is truly troubling that democracy, civil society, human rights, freedom of the press and even humanitarian aid have become highly refined tools of manipulation and subversion in recent years. This is essentially because the hand that gives is always above the hand that receives. As long as nations look to the West for guidance or assistance, the West will look to manipulate. The Armenian pursuit of Western fairytales and Yerevan's burning desire for Western financial aid is therefore what's keeping Armenia politically vulnerable to Western machinations. Armenia's flirtations with the West is also why Washington seems pleased with Armenia. In other words, Washington's desire to remain in the political game in Armenia is the reason for its current soft approach towards Yerevan -
NATO Official: Armenia’s Membership in EEU, CSTO ‘No Obstacle’ for NATO Relations: Official: Armenia ‘An Integral Part of Europe’:
Being that Armenia is now officially a member of the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), Washington will do its best to exploit its assets throughout Armenian society to keep channels of communication and collaboration open with Yerevan. This was predicted. The south Caucasus remains strategically very important for the West essentially because it is the gateway to energy rich Central Asia. Yerevan's alliance with Moscow, the only one of its kind in the south Caucasus, has thus made Armenia a pivotal player because Washington knows that Moscow can essentially lose all of the south Caucasus if Yerevan is somehow made to change course and seek an alliance with the West. Armenia is therefore a strategic prize not only for Moscow but also for the West.
Many Armenians realize that the West's ultimate geostrategic desire for the south Caucasus is to curb Russian and Iranian influence. Many Armenians realize that the West looks at the south Caucasus as a strategic corridor for the exploitation of Central Asian energy. Many Armenians realize that the West looks at Armenia as a strategic prize. Many Armenians are therefore making the mistake of thinking that Armenia can benefit from cooperating with Western powers. What many Armenians are failing to realize is that the West's agenda for the Caucasus runs the serious risk of creating a very dangerous political vacuum. If Russia (and/or Iran) suffers a defeat at the hands of Western powers, the only players that are already in the Caucasus region and ready to fill the vacuum are Western oil interests, Wahhabi Islamists and Turks. From an Armenian, Russian and Iranian perspective, this is the fundamental danger of the game Western powers are playing the Caucasus. Purely from an Armenian perspective, this is why the Western agenda for the region poses a threat that is existential in nature. This is the reason why Moscow, Yerevan and Tehran have formed an alliance of sorts in recent years. Simply put: Armenia's cooperation with Western powers cannot come at the expense of Russian interests in the south Caucasus because it is only the Russian factor in the region that's keeping Armenia alive. As I have said on many previous occasions: The Caucasus region has the natural tendency to revert back into being a Turkic/Islamic cesspool, and all that is required is one bad incident to make it happen.
I reiterate: For Russia, Armenia is a crucially important, natural ally in a highly volatile strategic region where anti-Russian sentiments run high. For the West, Armenia is a geopolitical prize to be won and essentially taken out of the political equation of the region. Russia is in the south Caucasus to protect its vulnerable southern borders from Turks, Wahhabi Islamists and Western interests. The West is in the south Caucasus to use Turks and Wahhabi Islamists to contain Russia and open an unhindered path for Western oil corporations. Armenia's friends, Russia and Iran, are the West's enemies. The West's friends, Turks and Wahhabi Islamists, are Armenia's enemies. The only country on earth that would be very adversely impacted if Armenia ceased to exist is Russia. Armenia's independence from Russia will only result in Armenia's dependence on Turkey. Therefore, no Russia in Armenia = no Armenia in the south Caucasus.
Anyone that cannot see what I am saying here simply does not understand geopolitics, does not know the Caucasus and has learned nothing about the region's history.
Ultimately, Washington will remain in the game in the Caucasus as long as Yerevan, Tbilisi and Baku continue to seek doing business with Western powers. Washington's destructive tug-of-war in the region will only end when Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan are firmly and securely placed within the Russian orbit and a new period of Pax Russicana begins. We still seem to be a long way from Pax Russicana. By having Victoria Nuland meeting rights groups and political activists in Yerevan, Washington is signaling to Yerevan that it expects such entities to be tolerated by Armenian authorities. It goes without saying that our chobans-in-Armani suites will happily give in to Washington's expectations just to look as if they are not too beholden to Moscow. Ultimately, our willingness to give into Western demands lies at the root of the sociopolitical problem in Yerevan because doing so provides Western powers a portal through with they will meddle, manipulate and exploit.
Let's stop fooling ourselves about Armenian capabilities or Armenian intelligence, we Armenians are awfully unprepared to safely sit at negotiation tables with masters of deceit and manipulation. Armenia is too weak and Armenians are too inexperienced to safely flirt with powers that have been cultivating their statecraft for centuries.
The finely crafted ability to meddle in a country's internal affairs is one of the ways with which Western powers always manage to stay in the game in targeted nations. At the end of the day, Washington's compliments about Armenia, as well as the Neocon war criminal's unwanted visit to the genocide memorial complex needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Essentially given the green light to operate by Armenian officials, US officials and CIA agents stationed in one of the largest US embassies in the world will continue working behind-the-scenes to foment sociopolitical unrest in the country. In fact, a headquarter meant to foment such unrest in "ex-Soviet countries" was just opened in Prague. In this context, "ex-Soviet countries" essentially means nations that are either allied to Russia (i.e. Armenia) or have the potential to be allied to Russia (i.e. Georgia). When it comes to inciting revolutions, the following center will be one of the seats of operation -
Czechs open center for civil society activists from ex-Soviet countries:
It is through such networks (and their enthusiastic activists from around the world) that Western powers can organize flash mob protests virtually at will: President Putin is visiting Armenia? No problem. Quickly get out a few thousand Armenian freaks in Yerevan to protest. President Orban is holding trade talks with Moscow? No problem. Quickly get out a few thousand Hungarian freaks to protest. President Zemen does not want to go along with sanctions against Russia? No problem. Quickly get out a few thousand Czech freaks toprotest. It's all meant to put pressure on a particular government and create a particular perception because for the sheeple - perception is reality! Like Marxists before them, they have an uncanny ability to appeal to the lowest or lowliest in social strata.
From Dictatorship to Democracy: Ideal Illusions
Regardless of how beneficial or even necessary they may seem at first glance, any movement that has any form of Western-backing or is spearheaded by Western-led or inspired activists need to be categorically rejected. I say this because imperial interests in Washington have co-opted and weaponizedsociopolitical issues and are currently exploiting them towards self-serving political gains. Accepting help, in any form, from the political West comes with dangerous strings attached, conditions that developing nations such as Armenia or the Ukraine cannot meet. I ask you to refer to a book by James Peck regarding this very important topic for our era -
From Dictatorship to Democracy: Ideal Illusions
Regardless of how beneficial or even necessary they may seem at first glance, any movement that has any form of Western-backing or is spearheaded by Western-led or inspired activists need to be categorically rejected. I say this because imperial interests in Washington have co-opted and weaponizedsociopolitical issues and are currently exploiting them towards self-serving political gains. Accepting help, in any form, from the political West comes with dangerous strings attached, conditions that developing nations such as Armenia or the Ukraine cannot meet. I ask you to refer to a book by James Peck regarding this very important topic for our era -
Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights
"Devastating and deeply disturbing, this book lays bare any lingering illusions that human rights concerns seriously influence U.S. policy."—Andrew J. Bacevich, author of Washington Rules
The United States has long been hailed as a powerful force for global human rights. Now, drawing on thousands of documents from the CIA, the National Security Council, the Pentagon, and development agencies, James Peck shows in blunt detail how Washington has shaped human rights into a potent ideological weapon for purposes having little to do with rights—and everything to do with furthering America's global reach. Using the words of Washington's leaders when they are speaking among themselves, Peck tracks the rise of human rights from its dismissal in the cold war years as "fuzzy minded" to its calculated adoption, after the Vietnam War, as a rationale for American foreign engagement. He considers such milestones as the fight for Soviet dissidents, Tiananmen Square, and today's war on terror, exposing in the process how the human rights movement has too often failed to challenge Washington's strategies. A gripping and elegant work of analysis, Ideal Illusions argues that the movement must break free from Washington if it is to develop a truly uncompromising critique of power in all its forms.
Yes, many of the world's Hollywood-struck sheeple these days are indeed suffering from ideal illusions. These sheeple are the cannon-fodder Washington exploits against developing nations that not in their pockets or under their boots. Now, to place the enlightening book featured above into a better, more complete perspective, juxtaposed its message to the following book titled "From Dictatorship to Democracy". Unlike the previous book's author, the following book was written by an American with a Western/Globalist political agenda. Unlike the previous book's intent, this work by Gene Sharp is essentially a step-by-step blueprint for revolution and its primary target (i.e. those it is trying to bait) are the freaks of society and the disgruntled masses -
From Dictatorship to Democracy
From Dictatorship to Democracy was a pamphlet, printed and distributed by Dr Gene Sharp and based on his study, over a period of forty years, on non-violent methods of demonstration. Now in its fourth edition, it was originally handed out by the Albert Einstein Institution, and although never actively promoted, to date it has been translated into thirty-one languages. This astonishing book travelled as a photocopied pamphlet from Burma to Indonesia, Serbia and most recently Egypt, Tunisia and Syria, with dissent in China also reported. Surreptitiously handed out amongst youth uprisings the world over - how the 'how-to' guide came about and its role in the recent Arab uprisings is an extraordinary tale. Once read you'll find yourself urging others to read it and indeed want to gift it.
When Western financed civic society organizations gather their diverse operatives to form networks and workshops and make global connections during their annual meetings and conventions, these are the types of publications they disseminate and this is the kind of inspiration at work behind their activism. We must for once recognize that virtually every single societal matter found around the world today - be it Islamic militancy or gay rights or planned parenthood or nature protection - is ultimately being financed, controlled and/or exploited by Western imperial interests. As the first book by James Peck courageously suggests: Sociopolitical movements of the world today must first break free of Western control if they are to be safely embraced by developing societies. As the second book by Gene Sharp reveals, many of the democracy uprising we are seeing in various parts of the world get their funding and inspiration from Western sources. More perspective on this topic -
Does the US engineering revolutions?:
Documents Leaked by WikiLeaks Show an Organization Training Opposition Around the World:
How to Start a Revolution:
Revolution Engineering: US know-how and 'colourful' technology:
South of the Border:
The Weight of Chains | Težina lanaca (2010):
NGOs, an extension of US foreign policy:
Money Talks Through NGOs:
Washington on the War Path: Civil Society as Battering-Ram:
US NGO uncovered in Ukraine protest: Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings: Soros and his open society: open center for civil society activists from ex-Soviet countries:
In 1969, British historian and aesthetician Sir Kenneth Clark stated: "It is lack of confidence, more than anything else, that kills a civilization. We can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs." In 2004, a Dutch paper called "The Effects of Strategic News on Political Cynicism" claimed that the way a news media presents the news can cause political cynicism.
They have the tools to set the political mood of a society. They have the tools to sow political unrest. They first destroy the spirit through an information war, after which they can easily destroy the body either through economic/financial blackmail or war. Softening your opposition and making it susceptible collapse is what propaganda and psy-ops is all about. Therefore, keep this in mind next time you read news articles produced by Armenian news outlets based in the US or come across news reports put out by Armenia's Western-led political opposition. Most of the news reports and political commentaries put out by sources are designed to convey outrage and hopelessness amongst Armenians. They are meant to break down the spirit and sow the seeds of political unrest.
Therefore, be mindful: "Press freedom", "human rights", "civil society" and "democratic progress" are essentially code words for allowing Western assets in Armenia a free hand to meddle in the internal affairs of the country and sow social and political discontent. This is not a recent phenomenon. Washington has been perfecting its ability to sow unrest in targeted nations since the 1950s. The author of a recently published book on the infamous Dulles brothers had the following to say in a recent interview -
They have the tools to set the political mood of a society. They have the tools to sow political unrest. They first destroy the spirit through an information war, after which they can easily destroy the body either through economic/financial blackmail or war. Softening your opposition and making it susceptible collapse is what propaganda and psy-ops is all about. Therefore, keep this in mind next time you read news articles produced by Armenian news outlets based in the US or come across news reports put out by Armenia's Western-led political opposition. Most of the news reports and political commentaries put out by sources are designed to convey outrage and hopelessness amongst Armenians. They are meant to break down the spirit and sow the seeds of political unrest.
Therefore, be mindful: "Press freedom", "human rights", "civil society" and "democratic progress" are essentially code words for allowing Western assets in Armenia a free hand to meddle in the internal affairs of the country and sow social and political discontent. This is not a recent phenomenon. Washington has been perfecting its ability to sow unrest in targeted nations since the 1950s. The author of a recently published book on the infamous Dulles brothers had the following to say in a recent interview -
"[The Dulles brothers] were able to succeed [at regime change] in Iran and Guatemala because those were democratic societies, they were open societies. They had free press; there were all kinds of independent organizations; there were professional groups; there were labor unions; there were student groups; there were religious organizations. When you have an open society, it's very easy for covert operatives to penetrate that society and corrupt it."
Stephen Kinzer in NPR Radio Interview:
The freer a society is, the more vulnerable it is to manipulation and exploitation by higher powers. Dwell on this notion for a while. We have seen nations like Serbia, Georgia, Libya, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine suffer devastating losses due to Western meddling. Not wanting to follow suit nations like Russia, China, Egypt, Iran and Venezuela are forced to tighten their control over society to stop Western meddling. It is truly unfortunate that freedom has to be curtailed to stop imperial exploitation. It is truly tragic that human progress is being stunted due to Western machinations. But this is where we are today and this has to be acknowledged. Today we have a convergence of interests between Neo-Bolsheviks (civil society groups funded by Soros-like leftist entities in the Western world) and traditional Western imperialists. The aforementioned two have joined hands and are seeking to topple governments not under Anglo-American-Jewish rule. They have the money. They have the tools. They have the expertise. They have the experience. They have the following. They control the global control board. When they are given the freedom to operate in an targeted country, they waste no time in sowing their seeds of sociopolitical unrest.
Yerevan is vulnerable to this kind of foreign manipulation precisely because Armenia has more than ample political freedoms. In fact, politically, Armenia is much freer than the US. When was the last time the US had political parties and political activists as diverse or as violent or as competitive as the ones that exist in Armenia? Never. Political diversity is not an advantage, it's a serious problem. Western world has been powerful because of its entrenched elite, not because of its fictitious political freedoms. Had political diversity been a healthy thing for developing nations, Western powers would not be pushing it upon them. What Armenia needs today is tighter control of its Western funded news agencies, NGOs and activists. What Yerevan needs to do is limit its exposure to Western powers. What Yerevan also needs to do its place individuals and organizations that maintain ties with Western entities under constant surveillance. Having an open society is a serious liability for an embattled country like Armenia because political activism, humanitarian aid, financial assistance, independent journalism and information are being used as weapons of mass destruction by Western powers. We have seen enough examples in recent years. Armenia is too small. Armenians are too few. We Armenians simply cannot afford the kind of mistakes made by Serbians, Georgians and Ukrainians.
February, 2015
The best time to create a land link between Russia and Armenia is when a war breaks-out in the region. The protection of Armenia (under CSTO charter) and the problem of resupplying Russia's 102nd base on the outskirts of Gyumri are some of the pretenses for the implementation of such a plan. Nevertheless, before any of this can happen, Armenian officials need to stop their dangerous flirtations with Western powers and put an end to Armenia's exposure to the political West. Armenian officials need to develop some political foresight and ideological backbone. Yerevan needs to place its emphasis on developing its north-south axis as a way of breathing life into Armenia's stagnant economy and establish links with developing nations beyond Russia and Iran. The development of economic cooperation between nations like Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, India and China is what we are missing out on due to Western meddling in the Caucasus -