Tarikh dan masa

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

USA wants to make new Cuban Crisis but this time in EU

June 5, 2015 (EIRNS)—U.S. charges that Russia has violated the Intermediate Nuclear Force (INF) treaty are “nonsense and lies,” wrote retired Russian Gen. Leonid Ivashov today on the website, wwww.nakanune.ru. He added that the threat of “a Cuban missile crisis in reverse” is an “absolutly real prospect.”
The accusations of INF violations "are a kind of informational preliminary artillery volley, being conducted against Russia. And I am concerned that this preliminary artillery shelling may be the harbinger of the launch of a hot war,” Ivashov said (emphasis in in the original).
“The USA needs some way to justify the build-up of its nuclear forces in Europe, in the form of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. Therefore they are accusing Russia of every possible sin.”
“Military psychosis is being fanned,” in the current NATO behavior, said Ivashov, who was former head of foreign military ties at the Russian Ministry of Defense and is now with the Academy of Geopolitics. As examples, he listed,
“preparations for combat [that] have become very active in the recent period: training, exercises, demonstrations of military equipment, transfer of military equipment with U.S. personnel closer to our borders, statements by NATO generals on preparedness for war with Russia. NATO flight training for the use of nuclear bombs has also been renewed, and military spending increased....
“In general, this entire situation does have some similarity with the Caribbean Crisis [Cuban Missile Crisis]. Back then, we were emplacing missiles right under their nose; now they are doing that to us...."
To defend against these threats, Ivashov called for politically strengthening the BRICS and SCO, and reviving the effectiveness of the UN and OSCE. Also, the need to show people in Europe, that the USA intends for a destructive war to be fought there, in Europe. Military countermeasures are also needed, including, indeed, renewing IRBM programs; but, also, more intensive work to develop Russia’s own high-precision weapons and weapons based on new physical principles. This “non-nuclear deterrence factor” is allowed, under the revised Russian Military Doctrine of December 2014.
Ivashov also blasts the 1992 Cheney/Wolfowitz National Security Strategy. "The West’s methods may vary, but their persistent, more than century-long goal is permanent conflict. Just look at the U.S. National Security Strategy: in the early 1990s, they announced the goal of preventing any state whatsoever from such a revival, as would challenge the USA. They adjusted this in 1995, leaving that part unchanged, while weaving into their National Security Strategy the matter of control over key regions of the world, strategic lines of transport, and global resources.” This is the doctrine of a unipolar world.
“Today Russia is depicted as the main enemy of mankind, and the main threat to U.S. security. The fact that Russia did not submit, but started seeking its own sovereignty—and, even more so, doing this together with China—of course frightens the United States. This is why Russia is being attacked from all sides .... we are target #1 today. They’ll deal with us, then turn their attention to China. The threats stated by the USA are real; they may go for broke.”

Monday, June 22, 2015



IBNU Khaldun pernah menyatakan zaman kegemilangan akan diikuti zaman kemunduran dan untuk mengetahui zaman mana kita berada, pergilah ke pasar.Jika pasar itu terbuka kepada semua orang, ia berada pada zaman kegemilangan dan jika pasar itu dimiliki beberapa keluarga atau dimonopoli oleh kumpulan tertentu, ia adalah zaman kemunduran.

Sistem kapitalis pada zaman ini mengamalkan sistem monopoli dan sering kita dapati perniagaan dikuasai syarikat rantaian. Apabila buka saja sebuah pasar raya besar di kawasan perumahan, kita dapati kedai runcit atau pengusaha bermodal kecil secara beransur-ansur akan tutup kedai.Malah sekarang ini kita dapati banyak kedai di kawasan perumahan tidak dihuni atau tidak digunakan untuk perniagaan, kesan pembukaan pasar raya besar.Apakah kita boleh kategorikan zaman ini sebagai zaman kegemilangan?

Umat Islam kini mesti memastikan perkara begini tidak berterusan dan pemerintah pula tidak cuma menerima dan mengikut arus perkembangan sistem kapitalis semata-mata.Tidak keterlaluan jika kita katakan dunia Islam kini mengikut atau meniru dunia kufar, tidak terkecuali negara yang sepatutnya melindungi Islam. Umat Islam diajak serta dididik secara sistematik untuk melupakan keistimewaan yang ada pada mereka dan memandang tinggi akan apa yang ada pada kufar.

Kufar melakukan ini bukan saja melalui peperangan tetapi juga melalui penguasaan ekonomi dan tipu helah politik. Pelbagai peristiwa menunjukkan kepada kita bagaimana sistem kufar beroperasi bagi menguasai umat Islam.Perhatikan apa yang berlaku kepada umat Islam di Chechnya? Umat Islam di Chechnya berjaya mengalahkan Russia dalam pertempuran yang mempunyai kekuatan ketenteraan tetapi umat Islam kalah di meja perundingan, pejuang Mujahidin Afghanistan menang di medan pertempuran, tetapi kalah di meja perundingan, begitu juga dengan Bosnia, Mesir dan banyak lagi contoh lain.Inilah kekuatan dan kelemahan umat Islam yang dirasakan perlu kita tahu dan memperkuatkan mana yang lemah dan mempertahankan mana kekuatan yang kita ada disamping mengenali musuh kita.Musuh umat Islam pada zaman ini adalah kapitalisme.

Melalui pendidikan dengan pendekatan pengislaman ilmu, umat Islam dididik supaya sistem perbankan Barat diperkenalkan dan diterima.Usaha ini bukan berlaku beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini malah telah lama diusahakan bagi merosak dan menguasai agama kita. Harus diingatkan bank Islam pertama di dunia bukan ditubuhkan oleh negara Islam tetapi sebaliknya ditubuhkan oleh ahli keluarga perbankan kufar di Luxemburg, dengan bantuan munafikun di kalangan umat Islam sendiri.Penubuhan ini bertujuan untuk menarik wang keluar dari negara Arab dan disimpan di dalam bank Islam di Eropah. Umat Islam tidak mengambil keuntungan daripada faedah simpanan, maka bank Islam ini membuat keuntungan berlipat kali ganda.Kapitalis menggunakan Islam untuk mengaut keuntungan tanpa mengira apa yang diharamkan atau dihalalkan oleh Islam.

Riba, sesuatu yang diharamkan tetapi dihalalkan orang kufar. Malah kegiatan menghalalkan riba ini di kalangan orang Islam dimulakan oleh Muhammad Abdu dilantik Lord Cramer sebagai Syeikhul Universiti Al-Azhar dan telah mengeluarkan fatwa bahawa umat Islam dibolehkan mengambil faedah daripada tabung simpanan (Al-Manar).Ia disifatkan sebagai fatwa yang merosakkan agama dan amalan umat Islam. Fatwa ini membuka jalan kepada pembentukan bank dalam Islam dan seterusnya membolehkan wang kertas digunakan.Selepas itu ilmu ekonomi Barat boleh dimasukkan ke dalam pengajian Islam. Malah inilah tugas utama Abdu selepas dilantik rektor universiti terkenal itu. Sebab itulah kita katakan bahawa ilmu ekonomi adalah alat untuk mengalih pandangan umat Islam daripada masalah riba.

Ilmu ekonomi Islam pula terselindung di sebaliknya untuk membolehkan riba itu diterima oleh umat Islam. Inilah diajar kepada umat Islam selepas mereka menawan negara Islam seolah-olah umat Islam sebelum ini tidak pernah berdagang, tidak pernah memiliki harta, atau tidak pernah membuat transaksi yang besar.Melalui proses pengislaman ilmu yang diperkenalkan sejak 30 tahun lalu, kita dapati kufar berjaya menggunakan umat Islam sendiri untuk mengislamkan ekonomi dan dinamakan ‘ekonomi Islam’. Ini juga satu bidang ilmu.Ini perkara baru direka khas bagi menguasai kekayaan umat Islam.

Mereka mula memperkenalkan sistem kewangan Islam tanpa melihat akan wang itu sendiri, memperkenalkan takrifan baru bagi riba sebagai faedah, keuntungan, dividen yang diharamkan, bank adalah nadi pelaksanaan ekonomi kufar, oleh itu untuk memenuhi sistem ekonomi Islam, bank Islam dibentuk, seterusnya lahirlah apa yang dinamakan akaun Islam, opsyen Islam, bon Islam, bursa saham Islam, pelaburan Islam, insurans Islam dan banyak lagi label Islam.Kini lahir pula kad kredit Islam. Jika kita selak di sebalik label Islam ini, ia tetap kufar, ia adalah sistem kapitalis yang di-Islamkan.Malah kini ada sesetengah negara mengeluarkan bir Islam, iaitu sejenis bir yang cuma ada 5 peratus alkohol di dalamnya dengan justifikasi bahawa tapai ubi mengandungi lebih banyak alkohol, tetapi dibolehkan.

Tujuan perkara ini dibangkitkan adalah kerana kita dapati kufar sudah begitu berani menggunakan label Islam hanya kerana begitu ramai umat Islam yang inginkan sistem Islam, tetapi tidak tahu apa itu yang dibolehkan oleh Islam.Ke mana hala tuju kita umat Islam pada zaman moden ini.Apakah kita mahu terus menjejaki kufar dan mengislamkan sistem kapitalis dan berpuas hati dengannya?Institusi perbankan gergasi dunia kini menggunakan cendekiawan Islam dari institusi pengajian tinggi untuk menulis dan dengan bersahaja menyatakan bahawa sistem insurans yang diamalkan sekarang ini adalah tradisi peninggalan Rasulullah saw.Bukankah ini satu penyelewengan yang boleh memudaratkan agama suci kita? Sedangkan Rasulullah tidak membenarkan seseorang itu memajak pokok yang sedang berbunga, tunggu sehingga pokok itu berbuah dan hampir masak baru boleh dipajakkan.

Rasulullah melarang sesuatu transaksi yang tidak pasti.Kita tidak boleh ‘mengislamkan riba’ begitulah juga kita tidak boleh mengislamkan whiski (arak).Apa yang berlaku sekarang adalah kad kredit yang dinamakan kad kredit Islam sedangkan ia adalah sama dengan sistem yang diamalkan oleh sistem kad kredit perbankan Barat. Umat Islam tetap akan menang dalam peperangan tetapi peperangan kapitalisme ini memerlukan persenjataan yang berlainan. Untuk menang mengatasi sistem kapitalisme ini umat Islam mesti mengangkat senjata dinar emas.Jika wang kertas alat ekonomi kufar, umat Islam akan menggunakan wang dinar emas untuk berdagang.

Sistem kewangan kufar akan hancur jika ramai yang tidak menggunakannya. Kajian yang tertulis dalam internet ada menyatakan jika hanya tujuh peratus (tujuh peratus) penyimpan wang di mana-mana bank di dunia ini mengeluarkan simpanannya serentak, maka hancurlah sistem perbankan Barat.Inilah kekuatan yang ada pada sistem perbankan kapitalisme di seluruh dunia.

Bank memberi pinjaman 20 kali ganda daripada jumlah wang yang ada padanya dan mengenakan faedah kepada si peminjam. Jadi bank menjana wang daripada sesuatu yang tidak ada.Sistem kapitalisme adalah sistem kufar dan kekuatan sistem ini dianologikan Allah sebagai kuatnya sarang labah-labah. Sarang labah-labah nampak besar dan menggerunkan malah boleh menutup pintu gua, tetapi sebenarnya ia begitu rapuh sekali. -Oleh Prof Madya Dr Zuhaimy Ismail . Penulis adalah Profesor Madya di Jabatan Matematik, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Who act aggressively now?

NATO has repeatedly blamed Russia for its agressive behavior, but it looks like the alliance forgot about its own military moves near Russian border.

Thats why i call US promises and claims are full of shit and lies

NATO breaks treaty with Russia deploying troops in Latvia

29.05.2015 | Source: 


NATO breaks treaty with Russia deploying troops in Latvia. Latvia
AP Photo
NATO forces will be deployed in Latvia, as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, Philip Breedlove claimed.
The special request has been already approved by the Latvian government. Latvian Prime Minister, Laimota Straujuma confirmed the permanent presence of the NATO military force in the country.
Generals from Lithuania and Estonia are also reported to request NATO deploy several thousand ground troops in their countries. As Lithuanian military spokesman Captain Mindaugas Neimontas said: "We are seeking a brigade-size unit so that every Baltic nation would have a battalion."
However, the deployment of permanent forces flies in the face of the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between NATO and the Russian Federation which was signed in Paris, France on 27 May 1997.
It declared that "NATO and Russia do not consider each other as adversaries" and that the two parties will work together to prevent any potentially threatening build-up of conventional forces in agreed regions of Europe, to include Central and Eastern Europe.
The Act states that NATO "will carry out its collective defense and other missions by ensuring the necessary interoperability, integration, and capability for reinforcement rather than by additional permanent stationing of substantial combat forces."
Former US Secretary of State James Baker had also ensured former Warsaw Pact nations that there would be "no extension of NATO's jurisdiction one inch to the east" after the reunification of Germany.
Breedlove refused to confirm the number of troops that will be deployed in the region, but suggested a standard NATO brigade could consist of around 3,000 soldiers. 
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also mentioned, that "more progress was made in implementing our Readiness Action Plan, including establishing an enhanced NATO response force and a very high readiness Spearhead Force".
Read more on the subject here

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Philippine President act like US Monkey

Amid the ever-heightening tensions in the South China Sea, the hostility has reached a new level: comparisons to Nazi Germany. The Philippine president has likened China’s land reclamation project to the spread of the Third Reich.
"I’m an amateur student of history," Philippine President Benigno Aquino said in a speech on Wednesday as a part of his four-day tour of Japan. Which is usually not the best way to preface a modern day comparison with WWII.
But nevertheless, Aquino carried on.
"I’m an amateur student of history and I’m reminded of…how Germany was testing the waters and what the response was by various other European powers," he said. "They tested the waters and they were ready to back down if, for instance, in that aspect, France said [to back down]."
"If somebody said stop to Hitler at that point in time, or to Germany at that time, would we have avoided World War II?"
The speech was clearly aimed at the Philippine rival for control of the strategic Spratly islands in the South China Sea. Last year, he Aquino made similar comments about the Chinese government’s land reclamation projects.
"At what point do you say, ‘Enough is enough’? Well, the world has to say it – remember that the Sudetenland was given in an attempt to appease Hitler to prevent World War II," he said in an interview with the New York Times.
In response to that interview, Chinese state media called the president an "amateurish politician who was ignorant both of history and reality," and Beijing’s response this time around was no different. Foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said she was "deeply shocked and dissatisfied with the groundless remarks."
Hua also pointed out that "the Philippines keeps colluding with countries outside the region to stir up trouble and sling mud at China."
The comparisons to Hitler’s Germany are especially vexing given the fact that Beijing is one of the last regional countries to place installations in the Spratly archipelago. Other claimants to the area, including Vietnam, Malaysia, and yes, the Philippines, have had outposts and airstrips installed on the islands for decades. It’s only recently that Beijing has begun its own construction in the region.
Following Aquino’s logic, the Philippines has apparently been planning a blitzkrieg since before the 1980s.
There's also a particular irony in Aquino choosing to make these accusations in the capital of a former Axis power. No matter how the Philippine president may feel about China, Japan has yet to provide a formal apology for its own role in World War II.
A highly contested region through which nearly $5 trillion in trade passes each year, Beijing claims most of the South China Sea, but Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Vietnam also have overlapping claims.
While China insists that it has every right to build within its own territory, and stresses that the island installations are for peaceful purposes, the Spratly developments have caused panic among the United States and its allies. The Pentagon has begun performing patrol drills in the region, actions that China has called unnecessarily provocative.
Aquino’s tour of Japan comes as Washington pressures its Pacific allies to take a stronger role in countering the growing Chinese influence. 
p/s: where were your standing when USA kill thousands of Iraqi children? USA bombing civillians in Middle East, Afghan, Pakistan?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Russia Alliances

1. Russia must strengthen CSTO, SCO, EEU  and BRICS.
2. Russia must defence our alliances.
3. Russia and allies must stockpiles food, water and resources.
4. Russia must start THE EURASIAN SHIELD programme a.s.a.p.
5. Russia and allies must strong in politics, military and economy.

I m glad when i read that Russia want to build more Tu-160 before PAKDA is available. Only the powerful East Bloc lead by Russia and China can prevent USA and Nato from terrorizing this planet.